Modern approaches of the environment-climate change feedback, 2-nd edition, September 20-23rd, 2023
University Dunărea de Jos, Galați, Romania.

The conference aims at connecting researchers in the general area of Environmental Sciences, Atmosphere and Climate, to share their most recent results in investigation techniques and data analysis of Atmospheric Composition, Meteorological and Climate parameters,   Remote sensing, Environmental Pollution and Restoration, Topography, Bathymetry, Ecology, Ichthyology,  Physics and Chemistry of Environmental Processes or other subjects pertaining to Environment. Invited and review lectures will be accompanied by oral and poster presentations organized in two sections:

  1. Atmosphere, climate. Topography. Hydrology. Energy. Remote sensing.
  2. Water and Soil Sciences. Ecology. Genetics. Ichthyology.

The focal point of the conference will be a visit of the new research vessel REXDAN and of the laboratories on board, complemented with demonstrations of various research capabilities during a short research voyage. This is a natural continuation of the 1st edition of the conference in 2022, when REXDAN on-land laboratories have been presented.

There is no registration fee. Funding for hotel accommodation (2 nights) is available for 16 doctoral students, to be awarded on a first come, first served basis (please see the conference site, registration and abstracts).

Deadline for registration and abstract submission: August 20th, 20.08.2023 (please see the conference site)

REXDAN Research Vessel
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udjgAddress: Domnească Street, no. 47, Galați, Romania
Phone: 0336 130 109
REXDAN Research Infrastructurerexdan final
Address: George Coșbuc Street, 98, 800385, Galati, Romania