Continuing the active involvement of "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati (DJUG) in the development of management plans for various protected areas, the Faculty of Sciences and Environment and the REXDAN Research Infrastructure organized, on 10-11 November, 2023, the conference: The Management Plans of Protected Areas in the Context of Sustainable Development. Academic Partisans and Stakeholders.
Held in the Panoramic Hall of the Mercure Hotel and in the Conference Hall of the REXDAN Research Vessel, the conference highlighted the achievements of DJUG in the mamagement of protected areas and provided a favourable working framework in which specialists presented relevant issues related to the conference topic and suggested solutions to improve the present situation.
At the level of "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati, the POIM project Revision of the Management Plan and the RBDD Regulation, SMIS code 2014+ 123322 has been the most important project focused on the management of protected areas, the role of DJUG being that of ensuring the mapping of the habitats of pre-landic areas and the overall and detailed review of the species and habitats which are both relevant for the community and characterized by a high degree of vulnerability.