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The Radiometry Laboratory

The radiometry laboratory is dedicated to applications involving the use of different radiometric methods for the experimental in-situ determination  of corpuscular (alpha and beta) and electromagnetic (gamma and X) radiation levels, the activity of natural and artificial radionuclides in the environment, the dose rate of nuclear radiations, environmental protection and radiation protection measurements, the measurement of contamination of bodies, objects and people, as well as the monitoring of controlled areas.

The radiometry laboratory includes portable equipment which can be used for:

  • determination of ambient dose rate of gamma, X, alpha and beta radiations;
  • measurement of radioactive activity of radioisotopes in different environmental compartments;
  • measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activity;
  • measurement of radioactive contamination of the environment.
  1. Presentation file
  2. Photo gallery
udjgAddress: Domnească Street, no. 47, Galați, Romania
Phone: 0336 130 109
Website: www.ugal.ro
REXDAN Research Infrastructurerexdan final
Address: George Coșbuc Street, 98, 800385, Galati, Romania